Monday, August 20, 2007

pray for good weather

I'm at a real computer typing this, but the keyboard is all wonky.

We're about to head out soon. Everyone is in prety good spirits. Marlene is nervous but she's still eating! She's gotten quiet and Becky can't hold still, she's all over the place.

Start time is officially 9:30 (2:30 state side) I think after the craziness of today we're just leaving from the hotel. The last few days have consisted of walking 6+ miles, and getting lost in the town here. We're out in the boonies and a cab to get anywhere is about 20 bucks. We've just come to accept that we're going to get lost, we get lost everywhere, that's just how it is. We're just choosing to laugh at ourselves, it's all we can really do.

1 comment:

sheilar said...

How lost can you get? Texas is bigger than France - or so the bumper sticker says :)